Monday, December 4, 2006

#12 (Week 5). Roll your own search tool with Rollyo.

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Do you have a group of websites that are your favorites? Or a set of online resources that are similar that you frequently use to answer homework or reference questions? Well Rollyo may be the tool for you. Rollyo allows you to create your own search tool for the just the websites you know and trust.

Take a look at some of these search rolls that have already been created:
Public Domain e-Books Search
Rare Book Library Search
Free Photos
Quick Quotes

Explore other rolls here.

Here’s searchroll created to search ten of the Reference sites listed in SJLibrary's WIReD.

Try a search for broad term like "homework” or “history” to see results listed from multiple sites.

Discovery Exercise:

  1. Explore Rollyo and create an account for yourself.

  2. Create a search roll for any subject you like.

  3. Create a post in your blog about your experience and link to your search roll. Can you see a potential use for tools like this?
OPTIONAL: Add your searchroll to your blog using the "Create a Searchbox" tool.

Rollyo - You just never know when this little tool might come in handy.

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